
HKE Society’s

B V Bhoomaraddi College of Arts, Scinece and Commerce, Bidar

Student Grievance & Redressal Committee for the Academic Year 2021-2022

Date: 11-08-2022

The Student Grievance & Redressal committee meeting held on 11-08-2022 in department of Computer Science .The following members were attended the meeting

Dr. Mallikarjun Kote SWO Co-ordinator
Dr. Deepa Raga NSS pro Officer Member
Dr. H B Sedamkar YRC Officer Member
Shivaj  G.Math Dept.of History Member

The Student grievances posted by the students during July 2021 to September 2021 were discussed in the meeting.

Student Grievances are:-

  • Provide rest room for girls students
  • Suggested to maintain cleanliness of girls washroom.
  • Suggested to arrange Farewell & Fresher’s party.
  • Suggested to maintain good quality food and hygienic in canteen.
  • Mallikarjun Kote
  • Deepa Raga
  • H B Sedamkar
  • Shivaj Math

Action taken on suggestion & Student Grievances Redressal :

  • Provided rest room for girls under process
  • Maintaining the Cleanliness & Hygienic girls washroom & ladies room
  • Application for arranging Farewell & Fresher’s party has been submitted & it is under process
  • Application to maintain good quality food and hygienic condition in college canteen is submitted & it is under process

Dr. Mallikarjun Kote



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