Department Of Kannada

Name Designation Qualification Teaching and Research Exp.
Dr. Babruwahana HOD and
Asst. Prof.
M.A., M.Ed., Ph.D., NET, KSET 01
Smt. Shailaja Sidveer Lecture M.A., B.Ed. 04
Smt. Renuka Malli Lecture M.A., B.Ed. 03
Miss Kaveri Khandre Lecture M.A., B.Ed. 01

Publications: 05; Conferences and Seminars: 40; Workshop: 03; FDP: 01


 Kannada department has received a total of 04 awards in state and regional level

About the Department

The Department was established in the year 1960 and produced excellent students and are working in various fields.

The young faculty members are more interested in understanding students and guide them to have bright future. The department has separate library with 200 books along with 9308 books available in college central library. Total our department has published 24 books, 16 articles and won 04 state and regional level awards.

Objectives of the Department
  • To develop rich culture and tradition through Kannada literature.
  • To simplify teaching by using Modern Technology.
  • Creating interest in the heritage of Kannada literature.
Future Plan
  1. To Organize International level Conference.
  2. Invite eminent Professors from various National Universities to conduct special lectures.
  3. MoU With Kannada University Hampi and Janapada University Haveri.
  4. Funds from Govt. Organisations for research activities.

Selected Publications


One Day State Level Workshop Organized on ‘Shabdamanidarpana’ on 18th Oct 2019

Poems by students published in college magazine

Department Of English

Name Designation Qualification Teaching and Research Exp.
Dr. Mamata B. Natikar H.O.D & Asst. Prof. M.A., M.Ed., Ph.D. 07
Dr. Shraddha Supekar Deshpande Lecturer M.A.,B.Ed., Ph.D. 04
Miss Aishwarya Patil Lecturer M.A.,B.Ed. 04

Publications: 14; Seminars: 20; Books edited: 03; FDP: 01.

 About the department

  • The department of English was established in the same year as College in 1960.
  • First HOD of department Dr. G. S. Balram Gupta, now he is Rtd. Prof. of Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi.
  • Many eminent Professor like Sri. Ramkrishnayya, Sri.Veerbhadraiah, Sri. V.N. Simpi, Dr. Vijaya Guttal, Dr. P.G. Jawalagi and many other served the department for several years.
  • The department has Basic and Optional English Course.
  • The department has well equipped digital Language Lab with computers of 12 and a server, facilitating the students to be proficient in English.
  • Department also provides the books from its own departmental library, which is very useful for the students for their academic upliftment.
  • Department has a literary club.


  • To help students acquire knowledge of English Language and literature.
  • Creative and critical response to literature in light of cultural values and literary History.
  • To provide a platform to the students to exhibit their talents and creativity.
  • To raise the standards of our students to global levels and make them skillfull.
  • To make the students competent and develop positive attitude.

Future plan

  • Conduct International and National Conference/Seminars.
  • To involve greater number of students in class presentations and seminars.
  • Meet eminent Professors, writers, Journalist of English.
  • To visit university and institute libraries.
  • Encouraging students to write a articles, poems, short stories, dramas and etc.,

Photo Gallery   Department Literary Club Activities

Digital language lab

Departmental Infrastructure and Facilities

Books edited by faculty members

Department Of Hindi

Name Designation Qualification Teaching and Research Exp.

(in Years)



(In Years)

Publications Conference/ Workshop/ Seminars and FDP
National International
Dr. DeepaRaga Assistant Professor M.A., Ph.D. 15 00/03 30


10 52
Shri. Maruti B. Assistant Professor M.A., B.Ed.,


4 2 1 04
Shri. Noor Pasha Lecture M.A., B.Ed. 2 1 04


  1. Spit free India Gold Medal Award to Dr. Deepa Raga.
  2. Kannada Seva Ratna Award to Shri. Maruti Bhimanna.

About the department:

The Department of Hindi established in the year of 1960. Hindi department is running graduate programmed in Hindi in the jurisdiction of Gulbarga University, Kalaburgi. The department has a qualified and experienced staff having good teaching profile.

Objectives of the department:

  • To Create An Interest In the Hindi Language And Literature.
  • To Master the art of Communication.
  • Hindi is the national language of India so students should be motivated to study this language.
  • This literacy art will establish ethical values in students.
  • To Develop Excellent Proficiency in the Hindi Language.


Future plan:

  • To Organize National/International Conference/Seminar/Workshop.
  • To Start Certificate Course in ‘Translation’.
  • Planning to conduct more Special Lectures by inviting Professors from various Institutions.
  • Planning to publish a articles/Poems from students.

Spit free India Gold Medal Award to Dr. Deepa Raga.

उन्नत शिक्षार्थि




विभाग द्वारा आयोजित अतिथि व्याख्यान तस्वीरें

विस्तार गतिविधियों की तस्वीरें

विभाग पुस्तकालय

अंतर्राष्ट्रीय हिंदी दिवस समारोह की तस्वीरें (10 जनवरी)

राष्ट्रीय हिंदी दिवस समारोह की तस्वीरें (14 सितंबर)

Department Of URDU

Name Designation Qualification Teaching and Research Exp. No. of Conference, Workshop, Seminars and FDP
Mrs. Syeda Kareemunnisa Lecturer M.A., M.Ed. 13 02

About the department:

            Our department is established in the year 1960 with opt. facilities and our department offers B.A., B.Sc., B.Com. and B.C.A. courses and one of basic subject in combination. Apart from basic Urdu offers optional subject also.

Objectives of the department:

  • To spread awareness about the syncretism and synergetic genius and importance of Urdu culture Language and Literature.
  • To protect and promote the creativity and originality.

Future plan:

  • Improving the student strength of the department.
  • To organize National and International level seminars
  • Preparing a more interesting and job oriented syllabus for futures of the students.

Department Library

Learning process is well supported by department library, consisting 100 books and equally supported by college library which is equipped with 1061 books.

Important day celebrations by the department

Extension activity by the department

Department Of Economics

Name Designation Qualification Teaching and Research Exp. BOS/BOE

(In Years)

Publications No. of Conference, Workshop, Seminars and FDP
National International
Dr. Santoshkumar Hangaragi Lecturer M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D. 09 10 02 10
Smt. Vachanashri Lecturer M.A., B.Ed. 01 02
Smt. MeenakashiPatil Lecturer M.A., B.Ed. 01 01

Awards: Kannada Ratna Prashashati.

About the department:
Our department was established in the year 1960 Prof. S.G. Bhatt was the First staff member later he joined Planning Commission, Govt. of Karnataka, Prof. V.C. Somasundaram, served the department for 35 years worked as District Commandant of Home Guards, Prof. S.M. Kulkarni of the department served Assistant Registrar for 5 Years Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi, Prof. Basavaraj Ghasne, Prof. S. R. Reddy, Prof. Vamanrao Kulkarni strengthened the department.

Objectives of the department:

  • To achieve the higher level excellence
  • It has wider opportunities in Industries Govt. sectors, Banks, LIC and other monetary institutions.
  • To promote higher studies research and job opportunities.
  • To development entrepreneurship skills.
  • To impart the knowledge of Economic activities pertaining to Economics Development.
  • Provide relevant practical learning experience.

Future plan:

  • To organize National and International Seminar.
  • To undertake project for community purpose.
  • To organize progamme for personality development.
  • To organize more field trips and study tours.

Department Of Political Science

Name Designation Qualification Teaching Experience Conference/



Mrs. Vanishri Yengunde HOD and Lecturer M.A., B.Ed. 06 Years 10
Mr. Sandeep Kumar Lecturer M.A., B.Ed.,


02 Years

About Department

Our Department was established in 1960 and it is one of the vibrant departments in the college. Department strives for promoting awareness on social issues apart from delivering curricular aspects.

Objectives of the Department

  • To create Political consciousness and empower students Hyderabad-Karnataka region to be capable people.
  • To realize high ideals of justice, equality, liberty and fraternity.
  • To promote the awareness of Legitimate Governance and human rights.
  • To equip and empower students with relevant knowledge, competence and creativity to face National challenges.

Future Plan

  • Survey by the staff and students local bodies department (Taluka Panchayat, Zilla Panchayat) on any problem confronting the people.
  • Visit to assembly or parliament during sessions at least once in a year.

Mock Parliament organized by the Department in the year 2019

Every year Department organizes the Constitutional day on Nov 26

Every year Department organizes the voter’s awareness programs on Jan 25

Department Of Sociology


About the Department of Sociology:

The Department of Sociology Established in the year 1960

Programme Offered: U.G (B.A)

The Interdisciplinary combination subjects are:

History, Pol. Science, Kannada, English.

Scheme of the Program

  • From 2017-18: Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)
  • From 2021-22: National Education Policy (NEP)

Objectives of the Department:

  1. To provide quality and value based Education to the under graduate students in Sociology
  2. To facilitate a common based for collective activities for the benefit of the students.
  3. To sensitize the students on socio-economic cultural and political awareness and environment issues in the society
  4. To enlighten the students on youth leadership and self-employment opportunities

Bachelor of Arts Honours (B.A. Hons.) Sociology

What is Bachelor of Arts Honours (B.A. Hons.) in Sociology?

B.A. (Hons) in Sociology is a degree programme covering numerous aspects of social behaviour and its implications for contemporary society. Sociology is a research discipline that analyses many social and behavioural elements. A Bachelor of Sociology teaches the Basic ideas of structure, organization and the interactions between human beings in society. The fundamental subjects of sociology are family and global conflict, a religious cult, social class, race and gender.

One of the rarest undergraduate courses is the scope and subject area of a sociology class. This course is ideally adaptable to the needs of modern society with great emphasis on society and its social structure. B.A. Hons. Sociology is an appropriate course for students interested in learning about the many social systems and the diverse aspects that contribute to building an organization or community. This course contributes to valuable knowledge, including communication skills, analysis and criticism, research abilities.

This course focuses not just on society and the features of human conduct, making it perfect for students interested in working in public affairs, marketing or human resources. B.A. in Sociology also opens the path for a career in government and social work.

 Eligibility Criteria for Bachelor of Arts Honours (B.A. Hons.) in Sociology

The candidates aspiring to take 10+2 or their equivalent examination should have completed a school board by a recognized art stream. The choice is based on marks achieved by CBSE or an equivalent board for the Senior Secondary School Examination. It performs entrance examinations plus admission interviews at several colleges.

Course Benefits of Bachelor of Arts Honours (B.A. Hons.) in Sociology

This graduation allows students to take up numerous employment relating to socio-economics, such as industry, trade, the NHS, education agencies, further education, and charitable, advice, and voluntary organizations.

For further research in sociology, you might go for higher degrees in each field.

There are additional opportunities for public service and graduate management training graduates in sociology. Throughout their careers, sociology graduates work with a diverse variety of clients.

Scope of Bachelor of Arts Honours (B.A. Hons.) in Sociology

They even have the opportunity to get a career in the public sector. The initial compensation averages between INR 10,000 to INR 20,000. A university lecturer usually makes more than INR 80,000 a month. Besides applying for a job, many students can choose to study further. There is no lack of possibilities for such students. M.A. degree in sociology from any well-knit university offering postgraduate training in India is the first and obvious option. Students who want a job can also obtain an MB.A. in Human Resource Management or an MB.A. in Marketing.

A MA in Social Work at institutes such as the Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, is another viable choice for B.A. Sociology graduates. Many students opt additionally for an M.A. in International Relations or an M.A. in Gender Studies.

Students are offered work opportunities such as after graduating from B.A. Hons. Sociology:

P.R. Executive


School Teacher

Data Analyst

Social Workers

Career and Job Opportunities after Bachelor of Arts Honours (B.A. Hons.) in Sociology

This degree course allows students to work in many jobs related to sociology such as industry, trade, the National Health Service and education authorities. After obtaining a Sociology Degree, candidates will be able to work with several non-profit organizations, charities and NGOs. As charity collectors, campaign managers and public relations workers, sociological specialists may also function.

There are volunteer opportunities in the departments or with the youth, victims of crime and homeless people in schools, communal education, and social work.

In the respective disciplines or research fellowships in sociology, you can study higher education.

Several B.A. Sociology Hons employment prospects for civil service graduates and graduate management training programmes also exist. Throughout their careers, sociology graduates work with different customer groups.

School Teacher, Sales Executive, Journalist, PR & Advertising Executive, Social Worker, H.R. Executive, Journalist, Data Analyst, Geo-Political Risk Analyst are some of the job positions for candidates who completed B.A. in Sociology.

Details of faculty

NAME                                              :Dr. Hanamanthappa B. Sedamkar,M.A., M.Ed., LL.B., KSET., Ph.D.                                                               Designation                                   : HOD & Assistant Professor 

Academic Responsibilities      : BOE Chairman (2021)                                                                                

                                                              BOE Member (2020) 

                                                               Gulbarga University, Kalaburgi

Additional Responsibilities      : 1. Staff Club Secretary

  1. YRC Program Officer

Member of professional bodies:

    1. Life Member of Indian Association for Social science and Health (IASSH).
    2. Life Member of Royal Society of Research and Development.
    3. (International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development (Life Member of IJMRD)
    4. ISRD Membership No: 23
    5.  Life Member of Gulbarga University Private College Teachers Association.
    6. Life Member of Alumni Association of Dept. of Studies and Research in Sociology, Gulbarga  University Kalaburgi

Research Contributions:



Refresher Course FDP Research









01 03 05 15 05 10 50

Celebration of birth anniversary of Auguste Comte (father of Sociology)

Participation of faculty and students in various activities

Seminar attended by faculty member

Photos and media coverage of various extension activities

Department Of History

Name Designation Qualification Teaching and Research Exp. BOS/BOE

(In Years)

Publications Conference, Workshop, Seminars and FDP
National International
Sri. Shivaraj G. Math Asst. Prof. M.A., M.Phil. 16 00/03 24 02 04
Dr. Shivleela Veerayya Asst. Prof. M.A., B.Ed., M.Phil., Ph.D. 13 08 02 01
Sri. Basavaraj S. Biradar Asst. Prof. M.A., B.Ed., TET 15 06 01


Awards: 02

About the department:

Our department came to existence in 1960, Dr. L. R. Kulkarni the first H.O.D. of our department and pioneers of our department are Prof. M. S. Adake, Smt. N. T. Gangamma and Prof. G. M. Kamanatagi. The current faculty members have vast experience in teaching and research. The department has a museum for students and department has a Library with 100 books apart from central library facility, Department conduct National and International level Seminars and Special Lecturer Programs and has MoUs with various College, among Bidar District to gain a knowledge among students about different cultures and all.

Objectives of the department:

  • To prepare the students for the challenging situation of life.
  • To develop the spirit of the Nationalism.
  • To develop students for academic studies in History.
  • To develop and interest enthusiasm for History of this region.

Future plan:

  • To encourage to take up internship programs in archeology.
  • To motivate the students to take up research projects on European, Middle east, East Asian and Indian Histories.
  • To organize National and International Level Seminars.
  • To have more field visits.
  • To encourage students to have a projects on recreating historical monuments.
  • To start programs which gives awareness among students to have competitive exams?

Departmental Museum

Department Organized State level Workshop on the Role of Sources in the Construction of History, Sponsored by Karnataka State Archives department, Govt. of Karnataka  Date: 28/09/2021, Financial Assistance: 20,000

Department Of Commerce

Department Profile

Education is the key that unlocks the golden doors to freedom

                                                                                George Washington Carver

About Department

Every journey invariably starts with a single step and the journey to scale great heights needs unflinching grit and relentless efforts.

With the same determination we had embarked on a journey in 1980 by setting up Commerce department to facilitate commerce education at UG level with core subjects.

The department ablaze, constantly striving to offer relevant and updated courses with practical dimension to provide dynamic business environment with equipped personnel. The department has adequate well qualified, competent faculty who are dedicated to the academic & overall development of the student.

The teaching highlights of the faculty of our department are learner centric, ICT enabled, Project based, Continuous assessment and compassion.

We cultivate in students an up compromising commitment towards enhancing the quality of life both at the organizational and societal level & also fostering passionate pursuit for academic & intellectual excellence.

Today, education is not just dissemination of knowledge but equipping the students with appropriate skills & ability to take up new challenges for contributing to the society as well as fulfilling their career dreams.

Objectives of Department

  • To provide conceptual knowledge and application skills in the domain of Commerce & Management studies.
  • To facilitate students with skills and abilities to become competent and assured of good careers and placements.
  • To develop Entrepreneurship and Managerial skills and provide practical exposure through Industrial visits, field works and case studies.
  • To keep regular interaction with business and industry with the help of establishment of chair’s and entering into MOU’s.

Faculty Profile

Name of the faculty Qualification Designation Mobile No./

Emial ID

Dr. Laxmi Vishwanath M. Com.,


HOD and Asst. Professor& 6362143773/

Miss Nagrani Palam M. Com.,


Lecturer 8494854947/

Mrs.Daivshala Savale M.Com,


Lecturer 9980102312/

Mr.Vinayak Tandle M.Com Lecturer 8050536322/

Faculty Endeavors

Name of the faculty No. of Publications Workshops/Seminar/Webinar/Conference/FDP Attended
Dr. Laxmi Vishwanath 05


Miss.Nagrani Palam 01


Mrs. Daivshala Savale 00 04
Mr. Vinayak Tandle 00 02


Major. Mallikarjun Chanmal (Assoc. Prof.)

Awarded As Best Teacher by RIMS, Bengaluru.

Departmental Library

Department library is established where faculty & students can take the books for reference. We have good numbers of books in our central Library; apart from this we are maintaining Departmental Library under Department club. We collect books by our own specimen copies given by publishers and our faculty members have donated books to enrich the library.

Experiential Learning

Field Visit are organized with an aim to go beyond academics, provide students a practical perspective on the world of work & an opportunity to learn practically through interaction, working methods & employment practices.

Commerce Lab

To enhance practical knowledge among students commerce club was inaugurated.Students are provided practical exposure towards all possible topics in their curriculum through commerce lab.It is equipped with books, journals, magazines which are useful to students.


Add-on-Courses are aimed to complement academic achievements to enhance the employability of students.Department has offered 03 Add-on-Courses Taxation,Human Resourse Management, Insurance. 

Events & Activities Organized

Brain Cruxx an intercollegiate quiz competition(Commerce quiz) 32 Teams were participated.

Guest Talks by Eminent Academicians Events & Activities Organized

Sl. No Title of the Programs Name of the Resource Person ( External )
1 Right To Information Prof. Shrikant Patil, Asst. Prof., GFGC, Bidar
2 Financial Accounting Sri. N. G. Patil,  Rtd. Principal, C.B College, Bhalki
3 Financial Literacy Program Sri. C. L. Reddy,  Rtd. Bank Manager, PKGB, Bidar
4 Income Tax Sri. N. G. Patil,   Rtd. Principal, C.B. College, Bhalki
5 Life Insurance Prof. Suryakanth Dhanne, Assoc. Prof.,

C. B. College, Bhalki

6 Auditing Prof. Dileep Gadde, GFGC, Bidar
7 Investor Awareness Program Sri. Balakrishna, Dist. Program Manager,

Siksha Foundation, Bidar

8 Supply Chain Management Sri. Dhanraj Pillai, Alumini BVB College, Bidar
9 Social Responsibilty of Businessmen Dr. Hanmanthappa Sedamkar, Asst. Prof. BVB College, Bidar
10 Tally Orientation Sri. M. K. Ramchandra Gupta, Tally Authorized Partner to, Hyderabad
11 Carrer Guidance Sri. Manjunath, Times, Dharwad
12 Cashless Transaction Sri. Balabheem Bethad, Rtd. Manager Karnatak Bank, Bidar
13 CA Foundation Course Sri. Muimani, CA, Bidar
14 Income Tax Dr. Sangshetty Shetkar, Asst. Prof., GFGC, Bidar
15 Underwrirting of Shares And Debentures Mrs. Hoorunisa, Asst. Prof., GND College, Bidar
16 Income Tax Dr. Shashidhar Patil, Asst. Prof., KASCC, Bidar
17 Budgetory Control Prof. Suryakanth Dhanne, Assoc. Prof., AMMV, Bidar.

Mrs. Hoorunisa, Asst. Prof., GND College, Dr.Shashidhar Patil, Asst. Prof., KASCC, Bidar

Prof. Suryakanth Dhanne, Assoc. Prof., AMMV, Bidar

Seminar/ Webinar/Conference/Workshop

One Day Workshop on Banking Business A Workshop on Accounting Practice & Finance

An Webinar On Mental Wellness & Emotional Empowerment; A Workshop on Awareness About Copyright and Related Rights for students.

Future plans

  • To organize International conference on Finance, Business, Economics and Marketing.
  • To Increase Students Participation in research activities & Conferences.
  • To Start Advanced Certificate Course.

Department Of Physics

Name Designation Qualification Teaching and Research Exp.
Dr. Sweta M. Nayak HOD, Asst. Prof. M.Sc., Ph.D. 09
Sri. Praveen Purohit Lecturer. M.Sc., B.Ed. 06
Miss. Sushma Lecturer. M.Sc., B.Ed. 03
Smt. Shailaja Khandre Lecturer M.Sc., B.Ed. 07

        Publications: 06; Conferences: 10; Papers presented in conferences: 02; FDP: 05.

About the Department

  1. The department has qualified and highly dedicated staff.
  2. Active involvement of Faculty in teaching- learning and research.
  3. Specious laboratory with sufficient equipment’s and required ICT facilities.
  4. Department Library has 214 text books for student reference.

Objectives of the Department

  1. To provide a scope for the promotion of higher studies, research & job opportunities.
  2. To provide skilled caliber human resources to society.
  3. To encourage students to apply their knowledge and skills of physics for the benefit of society.



Department has two laboratories with darkroom and established with electronic digital instruments such as solar cell characteristics, high pass filter, low pass filter, Transistor kit. Optics such as spectrometer, Newton’s ring setup, Polarimeter, Sextant telescope. Solid state physics instruments four probe kit. For nuclear physics, GM counter with a capacity 25 students each.


Instrument Facilities

KSTA Sponsored International Conference on Physics and Allied Sciences (ICPAS), 11th, 12th and 13th March – 2020

Eminent Speakers of the Conference

Speakers, Certificate and publications of the Conference


Future Plan

  • To strengthen ISRO Outreach programme & to send student for internship , summer programme & visiting student programme conducted by ISRO, BARC, RAC, TIFR etc…
  • To enhance the research facilities in the department.
  • To carry out the Research projects in association with various funding agencies.

Department Of Chemistry

Name Designation Qualification Teaching and Research Exp. BOS/BOE
(In Years)
Dr. (Maj.) P. Vithal Reddy Principal,
Assoc. Prof.
M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D. 32 03/02
Sri. Anilkumar Anadure Vice-Principal,
Assoc. Prof.
M.Sc., M.Phil. 32 02/02
Dr. Mallikarjun Kote Head and
Asst. Prof.
M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D. 13 00/03
Dr. Goudappagouda
Asst. Prof. M.Sc., Ph.D., PDF (JSPS Fellow), JRF-NET, KSET, GATE 08
Miss Jyoti Kamble Lecture M.Sc., B.Ed. 02

Publications: 73; Conferences: 104; Papers presented in conferences: 30; FDP: 10.


Dr. (Maj.)

P. Vithal Reddy

Letter of Appreciation by Dr. H. R. Mahadev, IAS Deputy Commissioner & District Magistrate, Bidar on 20-05-2020. 2019-20
Letter of Appreciation by Global Sainik Academy (GSA), BIDAR, Col. Sharanappa Sikenpore on 20-05-2020. 2019-20
Letter of Appreciation by Indian Red Cross Society, Karnataka State Branch Bengalore on 10-07-2020. 2019-20
Letter of Appreciation & Best Electrol Literacy Club, Title received from District Administration & SWEEP Office Bidar, 2020 & 2021. 2020-21
Certificate of Appreciation received at Shivaji Trail Trek – 2021 by Brigadier Salunke on 5th Dec. 2021 at Kolhapur Base. 2021-22
Letter of Appreciation received by Mayur Kumar Neharu Yuva Kendra, Bidar. 2021-22
Letter of Appreciation by BRIMS, BLOOD BANK, BIDAR, Dr Rajesh Para Blood Bank Officer, BRIMS, Teaching Hospital Bidar. 2021-22
Certificate of Appreciation by Member of Legislative Council NETC Sri. Sharanappa Mattur. 2021-22
Certificate of Appreciation by Member of Legislative Council NEGC Dr. Chandrashakhar B Patil. 2021-22
D D G Commendation of Deputy Director General of NCC, Karnataka & Goa, by Air Commodore L K Jain 2020-21
EXERCISE NCC YOGADAN in COVID – 19 Certificate issued by Col P Jai Govind Offg. DDG NCC 2019-20
Kalyan Karnatak Shikshan Pratibhe (Award) on the occasion of 19th Anniversary of “Shikshan Janan” Bengalore 2021-22
Life time Achievement Award has been awarded on the occasion of NCC Day By Col. Sandeep Jagatap Commanding Officer, 32 KAR BN, Kalaburagi 2022-23
C. N. R. Rao State Award on the occasion of National Science Day – 2023, on

3rd March, 2023 by KSTA & Prof. B. G. Mulimani Foundation (R), Bidar.

Dr. P. Vithal Reddy, Sri. Anilkumar Anadure, Dr. Mallikarjun Kote and Sri. Srikanthrao Biradar, recognised as “Associate Member of KSTA”, Govt. of Karnataka, Bengaluru

Dr. Mallikarjun Kote, Best teacher award by HKE Society, Kalaburagi


Chemistry department has received a total of 16 awards and appreciations in the last five years

About the Department

The Department was established in the year 1960 and produced meritorious students and number of Laurels in multi disciplinary areas like Scientists, Professors, Lecturers, Teachers, Politicians, Businessmen’s and other Government Sectors. The department has well experienced staff ranging from 2 to 32 years.

Objectives of the Department

  1. To provide a scope for the promotion of higher studies, research & job opportunities.
  2. To provide skilled caliber human resources to society.
  3. To encourage students to apply their knowledge and skills of chemistry for the benefit of society.


The laboratories are well established with electronic digital instruments, borosil instruments, branded analytical reagents, high capacity borosil water purification units; it has three separate laboratories (Junior lab, senior lab and physical laboratories) with a capacity of 3040 students each and also has a separate departmental library.


Instrument Facilities

Centrifuges and spectrophotometer are available in the general research facility room.

Research publications, citations, funds and collaborations

The department has well experienced staff in research and publication record in reputed journals with good citations. Apart from publications department has collaboration with national and international universities. Many projects are also underway with the help of management.

Total of 10 teacher exchange programs has been done in the last five years

Motivation is a feeling that boosts the spirit of any person. Since words have the power to change the lives of many, recognizing them through words is a great motivational way. Motivational speech for students has a strong impact on students because their mind captures things faster due to their growing age. If they come across something motivating and inspiring, they adopt it. Therefore, the Department of Chemistry has organized a faculty exchange program on various topics in the last five years. Eminent professors from various universities and colleges delivered lectures. The teacher exchange programs were organized with the intention of motivating the students.

Future Plan

  1. The department is planning to conduct National and International Seminars.
  2. Invite eminent Professors from various National and International Universities to conduct special lectures.
  3. Industrial visit to get practical knowledge.
  4. To organise campus interviews for Chemistry students from industries.
  5. Funds from Govt. Organisations and Industries for research activities.
  6. More MoU’s with reputed institutes like, CSIR, IISER and IIT’s, etc.

Department Of Mathematics

Name Designation Qualification Teaching  Exp. Conference, Workshop, Seminars and FDP
Smt. Radhika M. Lecturer M.Sc., B.Ed. 11 06
Miss. Geetashri C. Lecturer M.Sc., B.Ed. 07 04
Mr. Nilkant S. Lecturer M.Sc., B.Ed. 07 03

About the department:

  1. The Department was established in the year 1960.
  2. The department has its separate computer lab.
  3. The advanced software Maxima is available for teaching and learning.
  4. Academic programs offered by the department: B.Sc.

Objectives of the department:

Provide the students with a strong foundation to identify analyze and solve real life problems

To encourage the students to undertake further study of basic science courses at the research level

Future plan:

To organize International level Seminars & Conferences

Develop Research activities by funding agencies

Department Of Computer Science

Name Designation Qualification Teaching and Research Exp. No. of Conference, Workshop, Seminars and FDP
Vikram Dhanure HOD & Lecturer MCA, M.Phil. 13 10
Umakanth Deshmukh Lecturer MCA 13 5
Kishorkumar Patil Lecturer M.Sc. 10 10
Rajmohan Pardeshi Lecturer M.Sc, M.Phil. 01  
Sujata Hipparagi Lecturer M.Sc., PGDCA 08 20
Radhika. R Lecturer M.Sc. 03 5
Godavari .B Lecturer MCA 01

About the department:
Computer Science Department was established in the year 1990 with Bachelor of Comp Science combinations of PMCS, CME and PECS.
Later in the year 2001, BCA  Bachelor of Computer Application was introduced .It is a Computer Oriented and Professional Course having 3 year undergraduate  Degree Programme  that focuses on the basics of  computer application and software development . A BCA degree is considered to be at par with a B.Tech./B.E. degree in computer science or information technology.

Objectives of the Department:

  1. To create successful IT graduates who can solve the real life problems with computing skills.
  2. Encourages the students to undertake software development.
  3. Excel in the competitive Examination.
  4. To inculcate Professional culture among the students to become successful industry oriented graduates.
  5. Seek admission in the higher learning.

Future Plan:

  • To start certificate course in Data Analytics in association with IT industry .
  • To tie up with local industries for professional software development training.
  • To foster the research activities among staff and students .
  • Visit to industry research centre  and academic
  • To facilitate acquiring additional  certificates and value added courses..
  • To improve  the  placement

Special Lecture series organized by the Department in the year 2020-21

Extension programs organized for Basaveshwar B.Ed. College students


Extension programs organized for Arunodaya School Staff members (Internet awareness program)

Every year Department conducts student seminars

Every year Department conducts ICT classes

Department conducts basic computer traning classes for BVB college administrative staff members


Department Of Botany

Name Designation Qualification Teaching and Research Exp. BOS/BOE

(In Years)

Publications No. of Conference, Workshop, Seminars and FDP
National International
Dr.Suryawanshi Pooja Asst. Prof.


M.Sc Ph.D 7 3/1 2 5 9
Jadhav Anilkumar Lecturer M.Sc B.Ed 5 2
Nageshwari Swamy Lecturer M.ScB.Ed 1 2


 Dr.Suryawanshi Pooja is recipient of

  • Y.D. Tyagi medal award” from Indian Botanical Society for best research paper at university of Rajashtan, Jaipur, 2015
  • First prize for best poster award at National Conference organized by KSTA Central University of Karnataka, 2016
  • C.N. R. Rao state level award from KSTA Bangalore and B. G. Mulimani foundation Bidar, 2023

About the Department:

The Department was established in the year 1962. Two Laboratories is furnished with essential equipments, specimens, Lab. work materials and charts. Department is having more than 150 Herberium, 2000 specimen slides, and more than 200 Microslides and latest microscopes. Department also provide certificate course in mushroom cultivation, fruit preservation and algal cultivation. The alumni students of this dept. are serving in the field of Medicine, Pharmaceuticals and at Research Institutions. The botanical garden, besides serving as the repository of the source material for botanical studies, is also geared to cater to the dire need of conserving and enriching plant bio-diversity through exchange of plant and seeds. The Green House is maintained by the Dept. with some Medicinal, aromatic, and aquatic Plants and cactus garden is established in the College premises. College greenery is maintained by the department along with the students and staff .Every year study tour is conducted by the Dept.

Objectives of the Department:

  1. To enhance the knowledge of students with the recent development in the field of plant science to improve their skills and competence for global industries
  2. To save environment to save life
  3. To develop research culture among staff and students
  4. To train the students in wide range of a science based skills that provide the learning base for future prospects

Future plan:

  1. To Prepare the Digital flora of The college campus
  2. To Apply for more research projects
  3. Ex-situ conservation of some medicinal plants especially rare and endangered plants of Bidar  District
  4. To Make Plastic free campus
  5. To Motivate the students to be an entrepreneur in production of Bio fertilizers like Spirulina, Azolla, Anabeana, Pistia etc
  6. To Start PG course in Botany




Botanical Garden

Aquatic flora

Green House

Main Garden of the Campus maintained by Botany Department

World Biodiversity day celebration

World environmental day celebration on 5th June 2023

Instrument Facilities

Light Microscope

Department Of Zoology

Name Designation Qualification Teaching and Research Exp. Publications Conference, Workshop, Seminars and FDP
National International
Dr. Reshma Sambanna Assistant Professor M.Sc.,


11 01 09 20
Smt. Pooja Mangalagi Lecturer M.Sc., B.Ed. 2 01


About the department

The Department of Zoology was established in the year 1962.The Department has the two young high qualified teaching faculty members. The Department as a systematic strategy for implementation of the curriculum, Department is also have well Equipped laboratory with the necessary and models such as, Projector, microscope and binocular microscope and well maintained museum.

Objectives of the department

    • To sensitize human society for animal welfare, conservation and protection of biodiversity.
    • To train students through field study and to become a good entrepreneur.

Future plan

  • Organizing Seminars & Workshops
  • Enhancing Collaborative Projects
  • Organize Science Workshops For High School  Teachers And Students
  • To Organize Science Inspire Camps/Exhibition For The Promotion Of Basic Science With The   Financial Support Of DST (Department of Science and Technology) Govt. Of  India

Zoology Museum




Departmental library

Department Of Electronics

Name Designation Qualification Teaching and Research Exp. BOS/BOE

(In Years)

Publications Conference, Workshop, Seminars and FDP
National International
Miss Gayatri Math HOD &

Asst. Prof.

M. Tech. 7 Nil 01 IEEE (01) 05
Miss Priyadarshini Lecturer M.Sc., B.Ed. 2 Nil Nil Nil 01

Publiations: 05; Conferences: 25; FDP: 10.


Dr. S. K. Satnoor (Rtd. Principal) Senior Membership of International Association of Engineers (IAENG),

Hong Kong, 2019-2020.

Senior membership of International Economics Development and Research Center (IEDRC), Hong Kong, 2019-2020.

As Global Member of Internet Society, Switzerland, 2019-2020.

Recognized as NAAC PEER TEAM MEMBER, SINCE 2019.

Recognized as Associate Member of KSTA Govt. of Karnataka, Bengaluru, 2020-2021.


Dr. S. B. Gama (Rtd. Vice Principal)

Recognized as Associate Member of KSTA Govt. of Karnataka. Bengaluru. 2020-2021.

About the department:

  1. Our department was established in the year 1980.
  2. Course offered is UG affiliated to Gulbarga University Kalabugri.
  3. Department has two Faculty members and one supporting staff.
  4. Our department has projectors installed in classroom to enable the teachers to give power point presentation and audio – visual presentations.
  5. The students also use this facility to give their presentation on subjects that facilitates learning and presentation skills.
  6. Our department has been equipped with ICT that has rendered Teaching Learning method more interesting and interactive.
  7. Our department has two spacious well equipped laboratories with latest equipments.
  8. Departmental library has several books on field of electronics from basic to reference book mentioned in syllabus.

Objectives of the department:

  • To provide knowledge of Basic electronics devices and their application in daily life.
  • To impart knowledge and skills so as to inspire the students for innovation & creativity, leading to a progressive career in industry.
  • Impart quality education to meet the challenges of the industry and enhancing employability of the students by providing skills through experiential learning.

Future plan:

  • Organizing practical workshops with industrial experts.
  • To establish better tie-ups with reputed industries and thereby enhance the placement of students.
  • Plan to have MOU with research institutes/industries.
  • Motivate the students to take up research activities.
  • Organizing skill based training programmes and job oriented programs.

Student Enrichment programs: Our dept. organizes student enrichment programs in that we invite eminent professor from various Colleges to deliver lecture on different topics of Electronics.

Best practice of our department: Every year cash prize to the topper of the Electronics department instituted by Prof. Lata  S.  Rtd. HOD, department of Electronics, in memory of her late father Dr. Shankreppa Chalwa and student counseling to provide assistance and guidance to students in making right choices in their studies.

Participation students in state level project exhibition

Department Of Physical Education

Name Designation Qualification Teaching and Research Exp. Publications No. of Conference, Workshop, Seminars and FDP
National International
Dr. Kaveri Papade Physical Direction M.P.Ed., M.Sc. in Yoga  Ph.D. 5 Years 03 20 30

Awards:  Best Yoga Teacher

About the department:

The Department was established in the year 1960. Our college was affiliated to Gulbarga University Kalaburagi. The department mainly focused on education through physical activities for the total personality of an individual to fitness and perfection in the body mind and spirit.

Objectives of the department:

  • To ensure good health and physical fitness among the students.
  • To develop emotional stability and self control among students.
  • To build teamwork and encourage individual identity in team.
  • To create opportunities to play the games for all students and ensure their overall development.
  • To encourage students in taking proper decisions and motivating them to have a strong mental well being.
  • To identify individual, realistic goals and help them in succeeding in their career.

Future plan:

  • Healthy and friendly environment
  • Regular gym facility for physical fitness
  • Track suits and Sports materials for University players
  • Travel expenditures for participants in the sports events
  • Supports for Higher Coaching events

All India Inter University (2017-2022)





CLASSEVENTSPARTICIPATIONDATEYEAR1Mr. Md. ShareefB. Com. IIIrd semPencak SilakAll India Inter University19 – 22nd Mar 20182018-192Mr. Akash J.B.Sc. Ist SemPencak SilakAll India Inter University19 – 22nd Mar 20182018-193Mr. Ashish U.BCA IInd semPencak SilakAll India Inter university22 – 26th May 20222018-19Total 3 students participated in all India Inter-University

Mr. Md. Sharif, (B. Com., IIIrd Sem)Silver and bronze Medalin All India Inter University (2017-2022)

Student’s Achievements

Bidar Zonal Volleyball Runner up 2021

Department Of  Library

Name Designation Qualification Work Exp. Conference, Workshop, Seminars and FDP
Dr. Mamata Melkundi Librarian M.Lib., Ph.d. 12 Years
Sri. Chidanand B Math Library Asst. BA, B.Lib, M.Lib 25 Years 02
Sri. Sachin M Shetkar S.D.A B.C.A 2+ Years
Smt. Umadevi Patil S.D.A PUC 9 Years
Sri. Sangappa Patil Attender SSLC 12 Years


About the Library

College Library was established in the year of 1960. The College Library is on ground floor in a space of 4980.8 sqft with a separate reference, periodical, competitive books section and so on. There are 58,312 Books, 13 Newspapers, 18 magazines, Journals available for students & staff to go through, there is also a book bank facility for the students belonging to SC/ST and other minorities.

The fully automated with Integrated Library Management software eLib 20.2 version (Developed by Aargees Business Solutions) is used. All Books, Journals, Periodicals can be stored in this software and Previous year Question Papers also be used for staff and students reference. The Stored materials can be shared with staff and students through Group in the form of SMS and E-mails.

Software contains details about authors, name, titles and publishers. Library has a special facility called OPAC which allows user to access the details of books from OPAC. Database like INFLIBNET is actively used in library. Classification of books is done based on DDC.


Monday to Friday – 09:30AM to 05:30PM

Saturdays – 09:30AM to 02:00PM

Library will remain close on all government holidays

Objectives of the department

  • To acquire, organize and update the library collection to support teaching-learning process.
  • To encourage students to read beyond the requirements of the curriculum.
  • To work with faculty in integrating information skills, knowledge of information sources, and the use of technology in accessing information needed to strengthen their instruction, research and extension.
  • To provide instruction and assistance in the effective use of learning resources/ services.

Future plan

  • Department level Book Exhibition.
  • Audio-Video Facility to the students.
  • Extension networking libraries with higher education institution.
  • Plan to implement Digital Library Software like Dspace, Eprint, etc.

Useful Links

Rules & Regulations:

Each student will be issued 2 to 4 books, Identity card and uniform is compulsory for getting the books from library. Students should obey the rules and regulations.

  1. When you are entering in the library you have to show your Identity Card.
  2. Every day student has to sign in the library attendance register.
  3. You have to maintain complete silence in the library. You can read books, magazines, newspapers, etc., in the library without disturbing others.
  4. Books are issued on borrower’s card only for 15days. If you want again you have to renew or return book. Keeping without renewal you have to pay the fine of Rs.1/- per day.
  5. Students can borrow other than your subject books on borrower’s card like, grammar, fictions, poetries, etc.
  6. When you are getting books from the library, you have to check books before leaving the library. You have to show any damages, written or disfigured in the book to our library staff.
  7. The students sometimes lost the book or books you have to replace the same book or pay the amount double in price.
  8. Reference books, question papers, magazines, newspapers, journals are not issued outside the library.
  9. Student’s need any information please ask Librarian.
  10. Make best use of library, “Let us read books yourself, and give chance to others”.
  11. Identity card is necessary for internet browsing.

Mobiles are not allowed in the library or else Switch off the Mobile

Well spacious Reference section & stock section

Periodical and Competitive Books Section


Best Reader Award for Students

Department Of Non Teaching


Office Timing: 10:00 am to 5:30 pm (Monday to Friday)

10:00 am to 2:00 pm (on Saturday)

Lunch Break: Between 2 pm to 3 pm.

The College office deals with academic administration

  1. Provides academic guidance to all students.
  2. Process graduation application and audit.
  3. Co-ordinates student advising programs.
  4. Maintain student Records.
  5. Support faculty by keeping the records up to date.

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