
Date: 02/07/2022
All the members of Anti-sexual harassment cell are here by informed that the meeting of Anti- sexual harassment cell going to held in AV room on 2/7/2021 at 11.30 am to discuss about the activities of Anti-sexual harassment cell.
Anti-sexual harassment cell

Internal Complaint Committee /Anti-Sexual Harassment Cell
Meeting Minutes for the meeting held on 2/7/2022
The meeting of Internal Complaint Committee / Anti-Sexual Harassment Cellwas conveyed on 2/7/2021 in AV Hall at 11:30 am. Meeting started with welcome address delivered by Dr.Deepa Raga co-ordinator Committee. Afterwards sujata hipparagi addressed the members about strategy to developed to tackle any kind of issues if reported. Later Miss Sunetra Swamy has taken the following agenda for discussion and accordingly resolutions were made:
Agenda 1.Organizing the Awareness Programme on Anti-sexual Harassment
It is unanimously decided that, the awareness programme about regulations and facilities provided by Internal Complaint Committee /Anti-Sexual Harassment Cell has to be organized during the induction programme going to be organized for fresher students. It is decided that shradha deshpande will prepare the presentation for the same under guidance of Principal and Chairman.
Agenda 2. Review of complaints reported if any.
There have been no such issues reported with committee by any girl staff or student. Meeting concluded with Vote of thanks delivered by Miss Radha S
The following members were present in the meeting:
Name Signature

Report on
Internal Complaint Committee /Anti-Sexual Harassment Cell
Awareness Programme conducted on 09/12/2022

Smt Savita PSI Gandhi Gunj police station Bidar addressing the gathering

Press report awareness program of anti sexual harassment cell organized in B.V.B College Bidar
Brief Report
HKE Society’s BV Bhoomaraddi College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Bidar organized Awareness Programme on prohibition and prevention of sexual harassment on 9/12/2022 in Auditorium at11:00 am. Smt Savita PSI Gandhi Gunj police station Bidar informed to the students about The Sexual Harassment at Campus (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013. She also pointed out that such kind of any activity is completely prohibited in college campus and strict action will be taken against the one who indulge in such activities.
CPI G.B.Biradar Gandhi Gunj police station Bidar informed about Internal Complaint Committee / Anti-Sexual Harassment Cell of the College. For this programme all members of committee and other Members of Teaching and Non-teaching staff were participated. Students from I year were participated.

nternal Complaint Committee /Anti-Sexual Harassment Cell
2019-20 to 2021-22
Sr No. | Name of the Faculty Member | Designation |
1 | Dr. Deepa Raga , Head Dept. of Hindi | Co-ordinator |
2 | Mrs Sujata hipparagi | Member |
3 | Miss. Radha S | Member |
4 | Miss. Sunetra swamy | Member |
5 | Dr.Shradha deshpnde | Member |
6 | Advocate Niroja kulkarni | Member |
7 | Mrs Mangala marakal NGO Representative Ladies | Member |
8 | Mrs Mallama Choubey PSI market police station
Bidar |
Member |